Tuesday 29 April 2014

Get rid of windows update error code 80070663?

When you installing update or update windows office programs then you may receive the following error code on the screen:

Error 80070663

This window update error is very critical error, when this error occurred on the computer system then you are unable to update any software or applications like Microsoft office programs and in this situation your system Microsoft office files are being corrupted or damage due to this update error. Hence, this error is creating very big problems to you, so you required to solve this error code 80070663 sooner than later or else you may face further more problems.


Causes of windows update error 80070663?

This window update error code 80070663 is arise on the local computer system due the various reason like the presences of virus infections, or many other malicious programs, and unexpected shut down. This is the main reasons behind update error, but some sometime this error also occurred due to the corrupted system files or missing or damaged file that are needed by the windows update. So, you necessitate to solving these problems instantly.

How to fix windows update error code 80070663?

Hey I was also facing similar update error on my personal computer system but I can fix my PC though many steps. So, you also handle this problem though these given steps. This steps can easily done by you just only follow all the steps correctly onto your system:

  1. Click on the "Start" button, and type "Windows Explorer” in the open search box.
  2. Click on the "Windows Explorer” from the pop-up "Programs" menu.
  3. After that navigate to "C: /users/All users/Microsoft/Office/data" path, and then find "opa12.dat" file and rename it to "opa12old.dat".
  4. When you restart your Windows Office and open one file, it will prompt you to activate Windows Office, and then activate it online.
  5. And finally reinstall Windows Office Updates and reboot your personal computer system.

 If you are not fulfill with above these given steps then you can also use third party repair tool to easily solve this windows update error code 80070663  from your system. This tool can capable to fix this error automatically, and it is safe, effective and fast to repair entire windows problems from your system. You can easily access this tool and you should able to fix entire problems in just only few mouse clicks.


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