Thursday 10 April 2014

How to fix error code 0x800f0906?

Windows error code 0x800f0906 is the most common error that can be encounter by the many windows users. It is commonly occurred on the windows 8 operating system. When this error occurs then you may unable to enable the .NET 3.5 features in the windows 8. This error code 0x800f0906 normally displays as on the desktop, like that:

"Windows couldn't complete the requested changes. Windows couldn't connect to the internet to download necessary files. Make sure that you're connected to the internet, and click 'Retry' to try again. Error code: 0x800F0906"

When above error message are occurred on windows then you are unable to download the required files from the windows updates. 


This windows error is specially occurred on the windows 8 and it is .NET framework versions problems, so you need to fix this error as soon as possible otherwise you may several system problems or windows errors.

Easy ways to fix windows error code 0x800f0906?

Generally, this windows error code 0x800f0906 is occurred because the computer cannot downloaded the required files from the windows updates. So, you can fix this problem either manually or automatically. Some of the helpful manual steps to fix this error code 0x800f0906 are given below:

Step 1: If you are facing this error code 0x800f0906 then you should check your internet server connection is correctly connected with your system or not. If not then you should immediately connect it or also try to connect to the Microsoft update web site. Because this type of windows error code 0x800f0906 can be caused by the network, proxy or firewall configuration or due to the network, proxy or firewall failures. 

Step 2: You can use windows installation media as the file source when you enable the .NET framework features. You can do this by the following steps:

  1. You can insert the windows installation media.
  2. At an open command prompt you run the following command:

Dism /online /enable-feature /featurename: NetFx3 /All /Source :< drive>:\sources\sxs /LimitAccess

You note that in the above command you can type driver letter for the DVD driver or for the windows 8 installation media for the place of <driver>.

Step 3: You should enable .NET framework manually through the following processes:

  1. Go to control panel, locate and choose to open programs and features menu.
  2.  After the clicking on it a new windows appear then select Microsoft .NET framework 3.5.
  3. Click on the add button.
  4. It is automatically downloads and install in your system. This will take some time and need to internet.

If you require using any easy ways to fix my pc then you can use automatic way this is the best way to fix windows error code 0x800f0906 easily.

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